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Saturday, 18 September 2010

Welcome back after the holidays

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and that you were able to read my book on the beach, in the mountains, wherever you were and enjoyed it.

In this blog I want to spare a thought for the other victim of the crash Dodi Al Fayed.
Dodi Al Fayed was born in Alexandria (Egypt)His real name was Emad El Din Mohamed Abdel Moneim Fayed (wow)! His mother was Samira Kashoggi, sister of Turquish-Saudi born arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi. Dodi was educated in Switzerland and briefly attended the famous Sandhurt Military Academy in UK. He was known as a Hollywood film producer and businessman. He had also worked in his father´s business in the marketing department. He was married to Suzanne Gregard for about one year from 1986 to 1987. He suffered a heart attack , which he recovered from and was said to be very much in love with Princess Diana.
Here is a quiz about Dodi and his family.
a) Which famous lady did he and Prince Charles take to their bed apart from Princess Diana?
b) How many step brothers and sisters did he have?
c) Which famous London store did Dodi´s father own?
d) Do you think they would have married if they hadn´t had the car crash?
Good reading hear from you soon.