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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

By The Way

Welcome to my friends from LINKEDIN many who are students of mine or people I have coached for job interviews or exams. I hope you enjoy my book and this complementory blogspot to give it some added value.

I have spoken many times about the Plain English Campaign in class and now there is a chance that it will go through Parliament in U.K. President Obama has already passed a Plain English Writing bill in U.S.A. Let´s hope it will go through in the U.K.

If you want to learn more go to the link at the top of the page and you can hear the interview with MP Andrew Bingham.

A Funny Leak

In the book Suzanne was born in a sect. Fruit of her mother with one of the elders of the sect. While I was investigating for the book I was surprised to see just how many there were. On the link below you can see an A-Z of sects. (What a difficult word to say- sounds like sex) Some of them we know, like the Hare Krishna, those young bald men and women, dressed in yellow, dancing in the street making everyone feel happy, or the solem Jahova´s Witnesses. Others have names which make you think; The garbagdes Eaters, Harry´s house (not Potter, I hope) Solar Temple. Soemthing for everyone. Groups.html

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Welcome new readers, thank you for your support. Enjoy

How do people pay homage to Princess Diana? What do they still think of her on the 13th aniversary of her death?Look at this link and see how the British paid tribute to her.


Do you think this fountain is an adequate homage to Diana?
Have you visited this fountain?
Where do the materials to make this fountain come from?
Can people in wheelchairs visit the fountain?
Can we take our dogs to the fountain?
What does the fountain symbolise?
Where is the fountain?
What happened on the 20th to the 30th of September this year?

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Winter is coming,good time to stay at home and read

Hi all you readers,
well thought it about time to blog again. I am so busy with the film script of Thin Air and the next book, Winsor Burning, apart from work.

Hope you are enjoying reading the book. Thank you so much for joining in and sending me your ideas and written work.

The link above asks the question why di it take so long for the Ambulance to get Diana to the hospital? The writer has his own theory along with a lot of other questions. I hope you have fun reading them and also answering and giving your own opinion.

Lots of you are asking about the video. Below is a link to the video, which I couldn´t have created better to promote my book.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Autumn is here but the sun is still shining.

Hello all you readers,

I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather we are having here in Madrid.

On this blog we are going to speak about Mr. Bill Blaggot, the mercenary.
What knowledge do you have about mercenaries? Do you believe they even exist?
Here are some questions ,which you can find the answers to on Wikipedia.

When did the very first mercenaries exist?
Are they a necessity?
What is the main difference between a mercenary and a real soldier?
Do they have better weapons than the armed forces?

Have fun looking for the answers. Remember you can leave your answers on the comments box or send them directly to me.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Welcome back after the holidays

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and that you were able to read my book on the beach, in the mountains, wherever you were and enjoyed it.

In this blog I want to spare a thought for the other victim of the crash Dodi Al Fayed.
Dodi Al Fayed was born in Alexandria (Egypt)His real name was Emad El Din Mohamed Abdel Moneim Fayed (wow)! His mother was Samira Kashoggi, sister of Turquish-Saudi born arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi. Dodi was educated in Switzerland and briefly attended the famous Sandhurt Military Academy in UK. He was known as a Hollywood film producer and businessman. He had also worked in his father´s business in the marketing department. He was married to Suzanne Gregard for about one year from 1986 to 1987. He suffered a heart attack , which he recovered from and was said to be very much in love with Princess Diana.
Here is a quiz about Dodi and his family.
a) Which famous lady did he and Prince Charles take to their bed apart from Princess Diana?
b) How many step brothers and sisters did he have?
c) Which famous London store did Dodi´s father own?
d) Do you think they would have married if they hadn´t had the car crash?
Good reading hear from you soon.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


Hello all you faithful readers,
I hope you have enjoyed, are enjoying or, are going to enjoy your holidays. From today we welcome the world. I have opened the blogspot to the WWW. Of course it helps a lot if you buy the book, although you can still participate and enjoy the video and articles. Please don’t forget to leave messages, and above all criticism about the book.
I am only getting positive feedback- you are all so kind. I need to know what I am doing wrongly. I am writing the film script for the book (probably apt for TV series), which is exciting. I am also preparing the second book, Windsor Burning, but due to an extremely heavy workload this year it is going slowly.
If you still haven´t got the book you can on these sites;
Si aún no has adquirido el libro, puedes hacerlo aquí;

To my Chinese students, Indian and Pakistani friends I wish to send you a message of condolence to those who have lost family, friends or loved ones in the terrible floods in those countries. Also a big THANK YOU to the tourists who have stayed to help with salvation work.
I haven’t been on holiday yet but I hope to enjoy a few days away at the end of the month. I hope we can ALL see this crisis through with courage.

On this new blog we are going to look at yet another angle of the mystery.

The Strange Mystery of The Stolen Mercedes Involved In The Crash
A few days prior to the crash that killed Princess Diana, the Mercedes Benz in which she died was stolen! Strange thing is, when found the only thing missing from the car was the onboard computer chip; that chip is responsible for controlling steering and braking! Stranger still is why that Benz S280 was the "only available car" that night!
One would expect that with the financial means Dodi Fayed and Princess Diana had at their disposal there was absolutely no reason why they should have been chauffeured in a vehicle that had been snatched at gunpoint a few days prior to the fateful night of August 31, 1997.But that is precisely what happened! The car in which the ill-fated couple was traveling, a Mercedes Benz S280, had been stolen some days prior to the crash. This fact on its own is perhaps at best nothing more than pure coincidence but where that event turns decidedly strange is how that very Mercedes was returned a few days earlier in pristine condition save for one very important aspect…

The onboard computer chip controls, amongst other things, navigation, acceleration, steering and braking of a vehicle. Considering that Princess Diana's death was due to a car crash, the fact that the Mercedes S280 involved in the crash had its onboard computer chip stolen some days earlier (and nothing else mind you…suggesting the car-snatchers were no ordinary thieves) pushes the pervasive accident account onto firmer conspiracy territory.To date there actually exists a well established assassination technique from the 1980s (developed by the British SAS) nicknamed "The Boston Brakes" which involves steering, braking and acceleration capability being taken over by remote control! In fact world famous explorer and former SAS officer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes did indeed confirm the relatively common use of this assassination method with particular reference to the death in England of one Major Michael Marman in a car accident that bears uncanny resemblance to that of Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed and Henri Paul.So what could have been the motive behind the theft of the Mercedes Benz S280 that was involved in the Paris tunnel crash on August 31, 1997? Well let's see; assuming you want to execute a very sensitive, high profile assassination but at the same time create as little fuss as possible, the best way to go about it is to make it look like an accident. Keeping that in mind the disappearance of the onboard computer chip from the "Crash S280" then makes a lot of sense. Steal the car, remove the onboard computer chip, replace the old chip with a new-doctored onboard computer chip that allows another party to gain remote control over the car and ….....You've got yourselves a genuine accident in the making!Furthermore, very suspiciously, the stolen Mercedes Benz S280 was the only vehicle "available" to the Princess and her companions that night! Talk about leaving nothing to chance!


Initial reports leaked to the press suggested that the Mercedes Benz S280 involved in the crash had been zooming at speeds in the neighbourhood of 120 mph! If this were translated into km/h this would come out to a staggering 192 kilometres per hour!In fact reports of the day had the speedometer of the car stuck at 196 kilometres per hour (122 mph). The truth of the matter is if the car had been travelling anywhere near those speeds, seat-belt-or-not NOBODY would have survived that crash (the only person to survive the crash was bodyguard Trevor Rhys-Jones who sat in the passenger seat and widely believed to have been an operative of MI6 or MI5 branches of the British Secret Service).Many professional drivers have decried the authority-cited-speeds (120mph region) as being absolutely preposterous and from the evidence available to them put the car at about 60 mph (96km/h) at the time of the accident.To date, Mercedes Benz has never been able to examine the car for the simple reason the authorities never allowed them. This in itself is very strange because Mercedes Benz experts should have been party to the panel of experts examining the car! Why? How about if for no other reason than they built and engineered the vehicle and thus would have been in an excellent position to determine how fast the car was going and what caused the various impact damage to the vehicle. It would appear though that an internal investigation conducted by Mercedes Benz (albeit with the rather limited information available to them) seemed to suggest a speed of 60mph was far more reasonable than the 120mph spread by authorities and that the safety protective features of the Mercedes more or less behaved as expected.This may explain why Trevor Rhys-Jones who was seat-belted in the passenger seat and thereby in the least likely position for surviving such an accident survived! (The passenger seat is known in the industry as "The Death Seat").The Mercedes engineered safety mechanisms that helped preserve Mr Jones' life, incorporate the engine block being forced under the car and not into the passenger compartment following the tremendous force from such a collision as the one that occurred in the Paris tunnel that night.


The widespread view is that had the Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed been wearing seatbelts they would have likely survived the crash! (Hmmm…perhaps not! Princess Diana did survive the crash and actually spoke to a French Doctor (not affiliated with the authorities who arrived shortly after) who was passing by at the time of the accident and as he administered the 1st first aid in his own words said "I thought her life could be saved").Princess Diana ultimately died because of a suspicious 2 hour journey in an ambulance that snailed its way to a hospital 3.25 miles away averaging a speed of 25 mph and which conveniently bypassed 4 other hospitals on the way! (My readers know why)As it is there is new evidence that indicates that perhaps the reason Princess Diana was not wearing her seatbelt is because it was mysteriously but very conveniently jammed in such a way as to render it unusable!By Ba Kiwanuka

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The more I watch this video the convincing my book becomes

This video couldn´t have been more realistic to my thoughts when I wrote the book.

Chapter three of my book introduces Bill Blaggott, and chapter four tells of his terrible childhood. Do mercenaries really exist? Yes, they do , and the American & British Governments use them often.
Here is an article about real mecenaries. Read it and send me a comment.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Who Killed Princess Diana? The video

I thought I would give everyone the chance to see the video again as I think it is really good.
Please feel free to leave comments.

Don´t forget you can obtain the book on Amazon, Author House or Barnes & Nobel.

Here on this link you can listen to another "Tall Story".

Have fun enjoy

Saturday, 1 May 2010

The Plot

Chapter three is the revelation of the whole plot. It shows that both Diana and Dodi had planned it together. Do you think that famous people are sometimes driven to thinking about such measures to get away from the public eye?
We’ve all heard of people faking their deaths and later being found to be alive. Some do it for attention, others as a publicity stunt, and others to just get out of the spotlight, but in the end realize they soon return to the spotlight. In any case, people who intentionally go “missing” are usually found guilty or some other crime.
We’ve all probably heard of conspiracies and skeptics as well. Put death and skepticism together and what do you get? A bunch of conspirators that start to believe people who are more than likely dead are actually alive and well. Crazy or not, there are people who believe others said to be dead just may be alive. Here is a list of ten people who have become the center of fake death conspiracies.
10. Alexander I of Russia (12/23/1777 – 11/19/1825)
Alexander I was able to start off as a successful king, but due to family circumstances, he soon became very suspicious and paranoid of others. In 1825 Alexander was on a trip to the Crimea during the winter when he developed a cold that turned into typhus and in the end killed him. He died suddenly and was given a funeral with a closed casket. Because of his sudden death, many found the circumstances of his death to be questionable. Many believed he wanted to give up the throne quietly and that this was his cover up to do so. Some think he took on the name Feodor Kuzmich and became a hermit. To add even more suspense, in 1925 Alexander’s tomb was open, but a body was not found.
9. Princess Diana of Wales (07/01/1961 – 08/31/1997)
Born into royalty, Princess Diana was most definitely a member of the royal family who was able to become a worldwide icon, bringing the issue of AIDS awareness and treatment to the forefront. Married to Prince Charles of Wales with two sons, Diana’s life seemed great. However, on August 31, Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed, her rumored boyfriend, were killed in a crash after the car they were in slammed into a road tunnel in Paris. The driver was told to take that route to avoid paparazzi. Not only do people conspire about her death, some believing it was a plot by the M16 acting on orders from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, but others believe she isn’t dead at all. Pictures have floated around of a suspected Diana in a wheelchair who is said to be pregnant with Al-Fayed’s child. However, with over 2.5 million people viewing the funeral, most believe she is dead.
8. Jim Morrison (12/08/1943 – 07/03/1971)
Known for being the front man of The Doors, Jim Morrison definitely became a popular artist in the 1960s. After moving to Paris to an apartment, Morrison became a fan of the city and soon began to write poems. During this time Morrison changed his appearance by growing a beard and was becoming depressed. On July 3 he was found dead in a bathtub, but no autopsy was completed as there was no sign of foul play. He was buried in a sealed casket, and the death certificate stated that a heart attack killed him. However, no one knows exactly how Morrison died. His girlfriend claimed he was using cocaine and heroin and possibly had a hemorrhage, while others blame a respiratory infection. Many have claimed to have seen Morrison boarding a plane before he was reported dead, insisting that he was looking to run away.
7. D.B. Cooper (Vanished 11/24/1971)
D.B. Cooper is one that many probably don’t expect on this list, but he has an interesting story, and the conspiracies surrounding his death are just as buzzworthy. D.B. Cooper, first thought to be Dan Cooper, hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft on November 24 and demanded a random of $200,000 which he received. He then parachuted from the plane, and hasn’t been seen since. After jumping, no one has heard of, seen, or come into contact with D.B. Cooper. There is no evidence claiming that he is alive or dead, or any evidence of who the man really was. The money has yet to be recovered, but the FBI in he past years has released new evidence, but the Agency does believe he is dead. Some claim that he is still alive and is in hiding.
6. Amelia Earhart (07/24/1897 – declared dead on
Amelia Earhart stands as one of the most notable women when it comes to pioneering early aviation. Despite being a woman, Earhart earned awards for becoming the first female to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone. In 1937, she set off to circumnavigate the globe in her airplane, but she soon disappeared when flying over the Pacific Ocean, specifically near Howland Island. Aviators believe that Earhart’s plane ran out of fuel and she pulled the crash and sink method. However, some believe she was spying on Japan in the Pacific, captured and executed when her plane crashed in Japanese territory, or that she decided to assume a new identity. Some have claimed to have seen her in Japan.
5. Adolf Hitler (04/20/1889 – 04/30/1945)
Dying due to cyanide poisoning by his own hands, Hitler declared he would not live the same fate as Benito Mussolini. After committing suicide along with his wife of one day, his body was found and buried in a secret location in Magdeburg, but was then exhumed and his ashes throw into the Elbe River. Joseph Stalin stated that Hitler may have escaped to Argentina or Spain, while others believed the Germans were trying to conceal Hitler’s escape to the underground. Despite the use of dental records to positively identify Hitler, many still believe he is alive. Some have even claimed multiple sightings of him.
4. Michael Jackson (08/29/1958 – 06/25/2009)
The most recent death on this list, Michael Jackson became known as the King of Pop and for decades provided music for his fans. Though his death is still a mystery today, it’s safe to say that he is dead. Though the exact cause of death is not yet known, many speculate that an overdose of pain or an anesthetic drug used to help him sleep is what killed Jackson. However, many at first and still believe that he isn’t dead, due to the lack of autopsy answers, and the possible fact that he may not have been buried yet. Some are skeptical and believe that his gold plated casket was empty, claiming that he is still alive and planned a publicity stunt.
3. Tupac Shakur (06/16/1971 – 09/13/1996)
Today Tupac Shakur’s death remains a mystery. He was a rapper who was killed in a drive by shooting. Because of the questions and circumstances surrounding his death, many believe he is alive. Skeptics claim that they have reason to doubt Tupac is dead because of the fact that eight of his records were released after his reported death and lyrics of his involving a man being shot but then resurrected. Magazines and popular celebrity gossip websites have claimed to have spotted and taken pictures of Tupac. The most recent is a picture of supposed Tupac drinking in Bourbon Street.
2. Grand Duchess Anastasia (07/18/1901 – 07/17/1918)
As the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, many would think Anastasia would have had a luxurious long life. However, her and her family was murdered by the Bolshevik secret police as a means to end the Romanov rule in Russia. The bodies were shot and then burned, but there was no trace of Anastasia’s DNA. Many believed she must have escaped somehow due to lack of some sort of identification of her body. Since no real proof of her death had come to light, many women have falsely identified themselves as Anastasia, the most well known being Anna Anderson. In March 2009, Dr. Michael Coble stated that DNA of all four Duchesses has been tested and found.
1. Elvis Presley (01/08/1935 – 08/16/1977)
Elvis Presley, said to be the King of Rock ‘n Roll was found dead in his own bathroom by his fiancée and his death was ruled to be due to an overdose of medication. He was buried at Graceland next to his mother. Despite being declared dead, many around the world claim that there is no way he can be dead. Some say his middle name is spelled wrong on his grave while others claim that a wax body was put inside the coffin. Some believe Elvis was in a position to fake his death, as he became in debt to someone possibly linked to the Mafia. Other people have claimed to have even seen Elvis in multiple places, the most noted being places in Tennessee.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Thank you

Hi all you readers,

I want to thank all the people who have read the book and given me valuable feedback.

Every now and then I look on Internet to see what is being said about her death and I always find something new which interests me. This time I read that the amount of alcohol found in her driver´s blood (according to French officials of the investigation) would have been enough for him to be swaying,have slurred speech and definately clear enough for Mr. Layfayett not to let him drive his car. Here is some of the facts published;

Driver was legally drunk
A spokesman at the Ritz described Paul as an experienced driver who had received special security training from Mercedes-Benz at a centre in Germany. She said he had experience handling armoured vehicles.
A judicial source, which asked not to be identified, said Paul had a blood-alcohol level of 1.75 grams per litre of blood -- well over France's legal limit of 0.5 grams and the equivalent of a blood-alcohol reading of .175 percent in the United States.
According to France's National Association for the Prevention of Alcoholism, Paul's alcohol level was the equivalent of drinking nine shots of whiskey in rapid succession, or nearly 11 ounces.

Different concentrations of alcohol in the human body have different effects on the subject.
The following lists the effects of alcohol on the body, depending on the blood alcohol concentration (BAC). However, tolerance varies considerably between individuals, as does individual response to a given dosage; the effects of alcohol differ widely between people. Hence, BAC percentages are just estimates used for illustrative purposes.
Euphoria (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12%).
overall improvement in mood and possible euphoria.
increased self-confidence and courage
increased sociability
shortened attention span
flushed appearance
inhibited judgment. See:
impaired fine muscle coordination, such as writing or signing their name.
Lethargy (BAC = 0.09 to 0.25%)
impaired memory and comprehension
delayed reactions
ataxia; balance difficulty; walking is not stable.
blurred vision; other senses may be impaired
Confusion (BAC = 0.18 to 0.30%)
Profound confusion
Increased ataxia; Dizziness and staggering occur; speech is impaired
emotional lability
Impaired senses
Emesis (vomiting)
Stupor (BAC = 0.25 to 0.40%)
Severe ataxia
Lapses in and out of consciousness.
Anterograde amnesia
Respiratory depression (life-threatening)
Death may occur due to aspiration of vomit while unconscious
Urinary incontinence
Decreased heart rate
Coma (BAC = 0.35 to 0.50%)
Reflexes are depressed (i.e., pupils do not respond appropriately to changes in light).
Marked respiratory depression. Heart rate drops. Death usually occurs at levels in this range.

Interesting, no? This time I want to hear YOUR oppinions about if the driver was drunk.I will answer everyone who writes to me or posts a comment.

Well through the feedback I have had from readers I have decided to name all the characters to make it easier for you to write about the characters without having to go back to the book all the time to remember names. I know this can be frustrating.


Jacqueline Bonhomie -French nurse Works in the Pitie Salpetriere as an ambulance nurse

Andre Berquerel - French surgeon, Jacqueline’s boyfriend. Works in the Pitie Salpetriere

Jacques Robson al Besir - Anglo-Frenchman FBI double agent semi retired, Jacqueline’s neighbour
Bill Blaggot - English, mercenary involved with André and Humbert Patrice. A very dangerous character
Suzanne -French, Jacqueline’s friend. Works in the Pitie Salpetriere Divorced, mother of two, psychiatric problems Humbert Patrice - French, ex stuntman, bodyguard, and French Secret Service (DGSE) Now chauffer to a rich Arab
William Robson - American serviceman at the end of the Second world war. Jacque Robson al Besir´s biological father now USA senator

Mr. Fye -English MI6

Jean Bernard - French, gay, operational DGSE agent

Max Blansford -English, MI5 operational agent. Married to Jennah Smythe- Leighton
Major Smythe-Leighton - English, operational special missions department, usually terrorist, military field work. Jennah´s father

Jean Paul - French, ambulance driver

Pierre - French, ambulance doctor

David- Russian NKVD operational agent Jean Bernard’s lover
Dempsey - French, worked on and off for the French Intelligence department. Franco’s friend
Franco - French, chauffer Roger and Dempsey’s friend
Troy West-American FBI operational
Eugene Frank -American, FBI non-operational. A trainer, ex field worker
Now doing pre retirement office work. Specialist in terrorism.
A friend of Jacque Robson

Some of these characters will be very important in my next book about the burning of the Winsor Tower here in Madrid.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Happy new year to all my readers

Happy new year to all my readers.
So on to chapter three. Why do you think the engagement ring meant so much to Diana?Post me you answers on the comments page or to my e-mail.

In Western tradition, an engagement ring is a ring worn by a woman indicating her engagement to be married. Conventionally, the ring is presented as a betrothal gift by a man to his prospective spouse while he proposes marriage or directly after she accepts his marriage proposal. It represents a formal agreement to future marriage.
In some countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, it is worn on the left-hand ring finger, while in other countries, such as Poland and Ukraine, it is customary for the ring to be worn on the right-hand. Similar traditions date back from an early usage reportedly referring to the fourth finger of the left hand as containing the vena amoris or "vein of love".
In some states of the United States, engagement rings are considered "conditional gifts" under the legal rules of property. This is an exception to the general rule that gifts cannot be revoked once properly given. In the United Kingdom, the gift of an engagement ring is presumed to be an absolute gift to the fiancée.
Dodi Fayed bought £11,000 engagement ring for Diana
The Guardian, Friday 19 October 2007
Article history by Stephne Bates
· Visit to jeweller's hours before couple's fatal crash · Princess was never given purchase, inquest jury told
Dodi Fayed, the son of the Harrods owner Mohamed Al Fayed, did buy Princess Diana an £11,600 engagement ring a few hours before the couple's death in the Paris crash in 1997, though he had no chance to give it to her, the inquest jury heard yesterday.
The jury, sitting in the high court, was shown grainy CCTV footage from the Repossi jeweller's shop, across the square from the Ritz hotel in Paris, taken the afternoon before the crash. It showed Dodi Fayed, who was not accompanied by the princess, surrounded by staff as he inspected rings before leaving with a brochure.
Later footage showed Claude Roulet, assistant to the president of the Ritz hotel, visiting the shop and taking an item in a bag to the couple's room in the hotel's Imperial suite. The bag was deposited in the hotel strongroom before the couple went to Dodi's flat elsewhere in the city.
A ring bearing the inscription "Dis-moi Oui" ("Tell me Yes") was recovered from the flat after the couple's death. A receipt dated August 30 1997, the day before the crash, listing a "bague de fiançaille" (engagement ring), was also recovered.

Happy reading